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Estate yellow gold tourmaline and diamond earrings
Estate yellow gold tourmaline and diamond earrings

The Best Way to Clean Your Fine Jewelry At Home

Maybe it’s been a few months since you had your fine jewelry properly cleaned, or maybe you’re looking for productive projects to do around the house during this time of social distancing. Either way, you have come to the right place. Michael Johnson, Director of the Estate Division at Eiseman Jewels, is here to offer his expert tips on the best ways to care for and clean your fine jewelry at home.

“Rubies, sapphires, and diamonds are three of the most durable gems,” Michael says. “Because of their durability, they can be cleaned more thoroughly than many other gems.”

ruby and diamond ring
ruby and diamond ring

To care for your ruby, sapphire or diamond jewelry, you should always inspect it thoroughly before cleaning using these three steps:

  1. Look closely and critically at your jewelry from every angle and make sure that everything appears secure and in good repair.
  2. Next, draw the jewelry across a piece of cloth to determine if any prongs are snagging or catching.
  3. Next, perform what we call the tap test. Hold the piece of jewelry between your thumb and middle finger next to your ear and tap the ring with your index finger. If you hear any rattling, you will know that one or more of the stones is loose. 

If during your inspections you notice or suspect problems with a piece of jewelry, don’t continue with the cleaning and refrain from wearing it until you can bring it in to Eiseman Jewels for a professional inspection. It’s better to err on the side of caution than risk losing a precious gemstone.

blue sapphire and diamond bracelet
blue sapphire and diamond bracelet

Once you have inspected your jewelry and feel it is in good repair, you are now ready to clean the piece. If you don’t have a jar of cleaning solution from Eiseman Jewels, you can use a mild detergent, like Dawn or Palmolive dish soap, dissolved in water as a substitute.

Next, place your piece of jewelry into the jar of jewelry cleaning solution (remember, these instructions apply specifically to ruby, sapphire and diamond gemstones set in platinum or gold). Allow the item to soak for 15 to 20 minutes.

emerald and diamond ring
emerald and diamond ring

Remove the jewelry from the solution and lightly brush with a soft toothbrush. Following the toothbrush cleaning, rinse the jewelry in warm water.

Use a can of compressed air to dry off the jewelry — this will prevent any water spots from forming and inhibiting the brilliance of the gems. 

pink sapphire and diamond ring
pink sapphire and diamond ring

The last step in cleaning your jewelry at home is to repeat the initial inspection steps. Visually inspect the jewelry, test it on a piece of cloth for snags, and tap test it to ensure that the gems are indeed tight. Again, if your jewelry does not look, feel or sound right at this point, set it aside to bring to Eiseman Jewels to have it professionally checked and serviced once you are able. If all is in good condition, continue to wear and enjoy your treasured pieces of jewelry.

Come see us at NorthPark Center once we reopen. In the meantime, you can shop online at the Eiseman Jewels Online Shopping Boutique



Eiseman Jewels is the premier Dallas jeweler located in NorthPark Center. Family-owned jeweler in Dallas featuring jewelry and watches from luxury designers, plus repairs. The name Eiseman Jewels has always been synonymous with outstanding customer service and unprecedented style, quality and value. Named the finest independent jewelry store in the nation 2010 by National Jeweler, Eiseman Jewels has long been regarded as the Southwest's premier jeweler for...



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NorthPark Center
8687 N. Central Expressway.
Suite 1408
Dallas TX, 75225


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